Meet Pastor Tom Bentum
Deneane and I look forward to moving to Stafford Springs at the end of June and beginning our ministry there. We have heard such good things about you and are thankful for the way God is working in and through you to accomplish his purposes. Here is a little bit about us.
I consider Maine my home, but I spent my early years in Canada. Deneane grew up near Erie, Pennsylvania. We met while I was doing campus ministry with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at her school, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, where she was studying nursing. We have three kids and, as of April, have three grandkids. Our children have all finished college, are married, and living in nearby states. We look forward to you meeting them as they come for visits.
I graduated from West Virginia Wesleyan College in 1980 with a BA in History; from Asbury Theological Seminary in 1987 with a Master of Divinity; and from Ashland Theological Seminary in 1994 with a Doctor of Ministry. I was ordained a Deacon in 1992 in the Maine Annual Conference and as an Elder in 1996 in the New England Annual Conference. First UMC will be my fifth appointment after serving churches in Maine, New Hampshire, and Connecticut.
Deneane loves to garden and visit our growing family. I, too, love to spend time with our family and that is often where we go on our vacations. My hobbies are working on my family history and bicycling (especially “rails-to-trails” routes). We both like to walk and do outdoor activities.
If you stop by our home, you will get to meet our 17 year old cat named Sadie. We look forward to learning more about you and how God is working in your life. Helping people grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ is our passion.