Safe Net Ministries
We participate in providing both laity and pastoral leadership for this community ministry in God’s service with area churches. Safe Net Ministries serves to supplement the work of Stafford Family Services we strive to provide food, clothing, and utility assistance. For more information or to volunteer call 860.851.9987 and leave a message with a call back number.
Flo’s Friendship Kitchen
FUMC hosts Flo’s Friendship Kitchen on Wednesdays and Fridays. Lunch is served on Wednesday at 11:30am and dinner is served on Fridays at 5:00pm. Everyone is welcome to attend. Home delivery of meals can be arranged for each day’s meal. If you’d like to volunteer please call the church and leave a message. 860.684.2468
Scouting Programs
Cub Scouts meet here on Tuesday evening at 6:00pm.
Women’s Support Group
Provides group support for women who have lost a spouse, partner or child. Meets Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. We meet year round.
Men’s Support Group
Provides group support for men who have lost a spouse or partner. Meets Tuesday at 4:00pm.
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
Provides support for grandparents who are raising their own grandchildren at home. Meets third Thursday at 6:00pm. Childcare is prov